Phone Experiment 10/31/22
Dear Brokers,
Happy Halloween! We hope you have a great day! We wanted to reach out to all our brokers and let them know we are going to try a new experimental thing. We are going to turn off our phones for the time being and have you direct your communication through 2 routes. Either E-mail ([email protected]) or a Live Chat on our Home Page which is located at – Home page. You will see a Blue Button in the bottom right corner. From there you can click to get us during our business 9am-4pm Monday Friday.
We are experimenting right now and do not know if this is a permanent or temporary feature.
The phones have been hampering our services of late. We understand this might not be as comfortable as picking up the phone for some but we need to make changes to assure our brokers are getting the best service possible.
Thank you..
J6 Broker Service.