10/5/21: 2-3 week turnaround for screenprinting and Holiday forecast.
Hey everyone..
I was hoping to have better news but this industry pretty crazy right now. We were getting close to stabilizing a 2 week turnaround but unfortunately things are busy right now. We don’t have enough manpower to keep up.
We are starting to bumping orders from 2 weeks to a 2-3 weeks turnaround as now. We are not making deadlines at the moment and the outlook doesn’t look good for this industry.
At this point, if there’s any critical jobs that have a firm due, please communicate with us as soon as possible.
This does lead me to my next issue. Holiday turnarounds. I see 2 outcomes during holidays. We will get back to normal within 2 week turnaround or this issue will get only worst and will see a 3-5 week turnaround.
I don’t see the 2 weeks option possible unless we run out garments to print and there is NO jobs to print. If there is barely any jobs to print, then of course our turnaround will go down. As of now I don’t see that happening. I see our wholesalers getting stock and as broker doing what we are doing now, making do with the inventory and making adjustments from there.
Mostly likely the 3-5 week option will be the outcome during holidays. If that occurs, a 5 week turnaround means orders before Thanksgiving might possible for Christmas but after Thanksgiving, there’s a high possibility that a shutdown for screen printing orders will occur and order will be done AFTER Christmas.
As of now, embroidery is not as bad as screen printing but things can turn within a couple weeks time.
I urge you to contact your customers now and get those Christmas orders in with plenty of time for any delays that might occur. If the 3-5 week turnaround is effective I know a lot customers are going to be upset at us for not doing their Christmas orders on time.
As usual please keep up with the posting on J6broker.com and communicate with us your needs and see where we are at.