10/11/21- S/P Turnaround Questions

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We are getting some questions about our turnaround, so I wanted to clear things up here..

Our turnaround for screen printing is 2-3 weeks right now.  So as of now we are keying in  all order at the 2 week point but we giving ourselves an additional week buffer just in case we get behind.  Although you might see a 2 week turnaround WMJ please do not rely on that exact day for production. As you usual, please keep an eye on the production status on WMJ. If you receive a QuickBooks invoices, then you will know when the job is complete too.


Christmas Turnaround…

Our estimate right now is we will be able to take orders until Thanksgiving for Christmas Turnaround but that’s not even for sure thing. Things can change weekly for the best or the worst. So again, please reach out to your customer now and get those Christmas orders in.   We trying to do some damage control in our broker relationship by letting you know now. We hate to tell you on first week of December that we can’t take your orders for your customer holiday party. And then your customer is going to be angry at you, which will make you angry at us.


Our suggestion is to check J6broker.com and see out turnaround time prior to placing an order with us, please